Google Spaces is a brand new tool from Google that will allow the user to quickly create their own SPACE online for discussions. Before you read ANY further I want everyone to be aware that at the time of this post Spaces is a few days old and is NOT available for GAFE, Apps for Work, or MyTools2Go users yet..... If you want to try it out you will have to use your own personal Gmail account. Think of this as a primer of what is to come!
The Spaces App is available on iOS and Android Devices. Feel free to
access my sample Space by clicking HERE. Feel free to leave some comments and
test it out. Spaces is a powerful version of Google+ that can allow for quick sharing of Pictures, Text, and links. The tool really promotes conversation on individual comments by adding pictures, stickers, or more links on each individual post
Students will enjoy how easy and visual it is. This tool could be used to discuss upcoming events to organize, research topics, class discussions, and resource sharing.
Teachers should be cautioned that this tool is inherently wide open. Anyone with the link can access the Space and participate at this time.
I will post again when it is available for GAFE so for now try it out with your own personal Gmail account!
Doug Sadler