Tuesday, May 2, 2023

New to Google Classroom - Practice Sets!

 New to Google Classroom - Practice Sets!

Google has recently announced a new and powerful tool that will be coming to Google Classroom, called 'Practice Sets'.  Practice sets can be given to students in the same fashion that homework is assigned.   Practice sets can be created using new or existing material.

The power behind practice sets is twofold, for the student's and the teacher's experiences.  Once the practice set has been created, Google's powerful artificial intelligence tools will review the practice set and find useful videos and concept cards that can help the student better understand the concepts being presented.  Upon the teacher's approval, these videos and concept cards can be embedded into the practice setting.  The 'auto grading' feature within practice sets will let the students know when they are correct and will provide the teacher-approved videos and concept cards where appropriate.  This will provide immediate feedback for the students as they are working through the practice set.

From the teacher's experience, practice sets provide an enhanced grading view which will show the class's performance and results of every attempt made by the students.  Furthermore, the AI tools will provide insights using classwide trends to inform teachers on what concepts the class or individual students may be struggling with.

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