Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Chrome Spell Check

Did you know that not all web programs have spell check??  This includes Markbook and Google Sites.  However, you can enable spell check in your chrome browser and this will spell check anything that you type within Chrome.

Here is how to enable the Chrome Spell Check function:

1. Click on the "More Options" button in your chrome browser (3 does in the upper right corner)

2.  Click on "Settings"

3.  Click on "Advanced:

4. Make sure the Spell Check toggle is set to on.
    Click on the "Enhanced spell check" radio button

With the embedded chrome spell check turned on, any text that you type into any site will be checked for errors.

Monday, November 23, 2020

PD Opportunities for WECDSB Educators


The following sessions will be available for all WECDSB Eductors.  

Please note that these PD opportunities are optional.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 1:00pm and 3:00pm 
Adding Curriculum Expectations to Brightspace Content

- In this session, you will learn how to import curriculum expectations into your Brightspace course.  Once imported, you have the ability to attach the expectations to course content.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at 1:00pm and 3:00pmm
Using Google to Check the Authenticity of Student Work

-In this session, you will learn all about the Google originality report and how to implement this within Google Classroom as well as Brightspace.  This is a brand new functionality within the Brightsapce environment.   Since Turnitin is no longer available, Google originality reports can be used to ensure authentic student work.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020, at 1:00pm and 3:00pm 
Using Weighted Rubrics in Google Classroom and Brightspace

-In this session, you will learn about weighted rubrics and how to implement them in Google Classroom and Brightspace.  Weighted rubrics will report a true mark to your students based on category weightings in your course.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020, at 1:00 and 3:00pm 
Assessment in Brightspace

-In this session, you will learn about creating quizzes in Brightspace.  Including how to create and use question banks.

Please visit the Continuity of Learning Website for Google Meet Links for this learning series.  Continuity of Learning Website

Friday, November 20, 2020

New Google Meet Breakout Room Features - Timers and Ask for Help


Breakout Rooms Timer Feature

You can set the length of time that breakout rooms will be open using the timer.  Before you start the breakout room, click on the timer icon.

Select the checkbox, and enter the desired length of time.  Press Ok.

Participants will be able to see the length of time remaining in the top left corner of the screen.

Asking for Help while in a Breakout Room

When participants are in a breakout room, they can get the attention of the host by “Asking for help”.

To do this, they should click on the text “Ask for Help” at the top of the screen.

In the main room, the host will see that this participant has asked for help on the Breakout Rooms tab.  The host will also know how much time has elapsed since the participant has requested help.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Google Meet - Raise Your Hand


Starting on November 14 Google will be rolling out the Raise Hand feature.  This will allow Google Meet participants to virtually Raise Your Hand.  It will take a week to roll out to everyone.

This will help maintain order in large meetings where you cannot have multiple participants using the mic at the same time.

To raise your hand in Meet on the web, click on the “Raise Hand” button on the bottom bar during the meeting. Once the button is pressed, it will change to a “Lower Hand” button, which can be clicked to lower your hand. 

When a participant raises their hand, the meeting’s moderator will see a hand icon in their video preview. If they’re presenting in another tab, they’ll get a sound notification when someone raises their hand.

The moderator will also be able to see all raised hands in the order they were raised in the meeting participant list panel to help them address questions accordingly.

2024 School Year Kickoff

Welcome back to another school year!! Please see below for updates on Google Classroom.  Providing student engagement signals for Google Dri...