Friday, February 5, 2021

Publishing slideshows with Google Slides

 Publishing slideshows with Google Slides

    If you are looking to share a slideshow and only want that person to be able to view the slideshow, you can use the publishing feature of Google Slides.  When a person views a published slide show, they will see it in the same format as if the slideshow were being presented to them. 

Below you will find two links to demonstrate the difference between sharing a slideshow and publishing a slideshow.

How to publish a slideshow:

1.  Under File, click on "Publish to the web"

2.  You can now modify the settings for how the slideshow is played.  You can also have the slideshow play automatically here.

3. By clicking on "Published content & settings" 
you can restrict access so it can only be seen by people in your organization.

4.  When ready, press "Start publishing".  You can now copy the URL that is made for the slideshow and share this link.  

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